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The e hustle 46: 7 Viral Hook Strategies to Use in Your Socials social media Jan 21, 2025

Let’s talk about the hook.

Firstly, what is the hook?

Well, like the hook that holds the bait in fishing, the hook in advertising or social media, is the opening statement or image....

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The e hustle 25: How to make social media work for your business social media Jan 08, 2024

Reading time, 4 mins 20 seconds.

You’re unlikely to succeed in ecommerce without being pretty good when it comes to social media.

The good news is that you can start today and make steady...

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The e hustle 19: Stop using your organic socials to sell products social media Nov 20, 2023

Reading time: 2 mins 30 seconds

People don't want to be sold to on social media. 

People primarily use social media to be entertained, and informed. This is why we have 'paid socials' and...

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